As we look forward to 2015 ( and some of us to having a stable internet connection again!) I am also thinking back to this time last year when we were tentatively releasing the Silver Edition of The Artiste.
Things didn't go the way that we expected and although that was initially disappointing, I now firmly believe that this was a very good thing.
During the last year, Yummy has come up with so many new innovations and the pieces that we have worked on have driven a lot of changes and improvements that I feel have made The Artiste a much tighter and more desirable product than ever before. I am therefore looking forward to 2015 with much enthusiasm and positive energy. In particular seeing what new users are going to come up with as they let their imaginations run riot and how that will help define The Artiste as the premier performance (and production) assistant in SL.
So I raise a glass to:
Yummy for her clear sighted vision, genius and razor-sharp wit
Thad for helping shape our work into some beautiful videos that have been much admired
MJ and Nancy for joining us in the campaign with such enthusiasm and creativity
Kat for taking up our banner and waving it proudly in her blogs
And also to all those who have purchased TPT products and are already incorporating them into
their productions..(including those of you with orders pending!)
I look forward to meeting our new "Artistes" and may you all have a Joyous and Prosperous New Year.